Overall it seems like a really nicely designed sight, with a lot of variety and good prices. I like the many specials and discounts, and also that you can get a free hat if you order at least $125! The live help is also a nice feature, which not a lot of sites offer. When you are buying something as serious as police gear, it would be nice to probably get some help on what to pick out. It took me a little while to figure out where to go to buy the products though, so that could be maybe a little clearer.
I think if you are into the kind of things that the website sells, you would really enjoy it as they have a huge selection to pick from. I'm thinking of maybe getting a gas mask too, after all, you just never know when one would be necessary in this day and age! Part of the reason I eat healthy is I think eating healthy and building your immune system will help against any type of chemical warfare threat, but it can't hurt to have a gas mask also! This could also be a good site for a Christmas present for that police officer in your life! With the holiday coming up, it is always nice to get some ideas on where to go for a unique present, and this site would definitely qualify as a unique website for gifts! Again, if you would like to check out their website, it is at: Surefire
payu2blog.com is reliable. It pays more constantly than pay per post.
I use my blog to ramble. But I also have done some writing. Helium.com lets you write articles and you can enter contests. I won a few. I just don't have time. I had one article published. There are ways to pay for your blog without clutter. I think with my advertising and reviews I've made around $500 this year. That's with missing a lot of assignments. It's not an income but it is good play money.
You're on the right track. I think your blog is very white. Some color would grab attention. If you can figure out how to create pages that would be good for your links and stuff.
My blog is my baby. It has been neglected lately. It takes a lot of work.
Thanks, I'll check out payu2blog. So far I've been really happy with pay per post, so if payu2blog is even better, I'm interested! I have liked AC but everyone has been recommending Helium so I'll look into that too! I wish I could change the color, but I'm afraid. Blogger is not the best with template changes. I almost lost my entire blog trying to fix the columns. I do have everything backed up, but it's a pain. I could upgrade on my website host plan for a blog on that, but I just don't feel like it. You're right, it does take a lot of time! My blog is my baby too, until you have one I don't think you can understand how addictive they can be :) I'm glad someone understands lol
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