Tuesday, November 11, 2008

You know you are a raw foodist when....


Check out that link. I may have posted it before, but I think it's really funny! Anyone want to add their own observations about knowing when you are a raw foodist?

Soo, I haven't been updating the site much. I guess I have just been busy with other things! I was studying for a very difficult exam that many people don't pass on the first try, but I passed! So, I think the extra studying and sacrifices was worth it! I won't say what it is, because I don't want any negative energy on it to jinx it! lol

To update, I didn't do the marathon. It turns out it was all overbooked anyways, so I wouldn't have been able to register. I have, however, been busy working out six days a week and have been progressing losing one pound a week (which I've been told is the safest way to lose weight) I'm not sure if all the supplements have been helping BUT I can say it seems to help my reasoning skills. I am a bit of an airhead, but my ability to comprehend complex ideas is off the charts lately! My long-term memory is better also. I guess all the nutrients have been helping, although not in the way I had expected.

I'm not really on a raw food diet at the moment because of all my stress, but I'm still eating pretty healthy and I feel pretty good. It's hard to eat raw food when you are exercising a ton....anybody have any tips?? I would love to hear them!

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