Sunday, December 20, 2009

No more

I got rid of the website and have decided to just keep the blog. There were a lot of reasons for the decision. The main one was that despite many attempts to fix the link section on my website, it refused to update. So, I will still have the directory of places in Michigan, but it will only be in my blog. I don't think this should make much of a difference, and now when people email me with updates and new places to add to the directory I can actually add them!The only problem is the blog is a bit of a longer name to remember.  I love blogger so far, and it's free! Why pay money for the website when it really didn't add any value. In fact, my blog had a higher page rank than my website. I do think this change will be for the best. I hope it doesn't inconvenience anybody too much. I will be readding the directory of raw food, and vegan places in Michigan soon.

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