Thursday, August 13, 2009

Serotonin, dreams, hypnosis, and appetite control!

Anybody who knows me knows I struggle with waking up early. I just can NOT convince myself in the morning to get out of bed. I'm the most depressed person in the world during those first few waking moments. It's really gotten bad though now that I don't HAVE to wake up at a certain time. The last two years of working for myself has really caught me in this slump-the more I oversleep, the more tired I am during the day, and the later I stay up at night-and the later I sleep in! Add to that all the stress I've had this year, and it's a recipe for sleeping your whole day away! I was reading that people who are stressed throughout the day fire off more of a certain synapse that causes you to REM sleep more. The problem with this is too much REM sleep uses up too much energy-so you oversleep and feel groggy the next morning! Too much REM can cause depression as well! That would explain my intense dreams lately also. So, I have been taking 5 HTP and I have to say I noticed a difference immediately. Perhaps all the stress this year has depleted some of my serotonin levels? I also read that serotonin levels increase when you eat foods such as dairy, and meat-stuff I have been craving lately. No wonder when you are depressed you overeat! So 5 Htp may help with my diet will power also. Perhaps some raw foodists who struggle with keeping to a raw food diet are depressed and need more serotonin? 5 Htp is from an all natural source. You may be able to get it from food in a raw food diet, but if you are severely depressed or stressed like me, it might be a quick fix to give you that boost you need. I don't plan on taking it forever, as you can build up a tolerance, and I also believe serotonin enhancers of any sorts can lead to Parkinsons disease or other neurological disorders I'm just not willing to risk. However, for the short term I'm willing to risk it since depression can have negative effects on your health. I also wonder if being depressed makes it difficult to visualize the successful you-the one sticking to your raw food plan? I hear so much in the raw food world about visualizations and how that helps-yet, if you don't have enough serotonin how can you do this? I'm very good at visualizing when I'm in a medatative, relaxed, state but that takes a lot of time. Throughout the day when I visualize things I often get the EXACT opposite of what I want-perhaps I don't have enough waking serotonin to be in the relaxed state to make such visualizations work? By adding serotonin you may also notice your visualizations and ability to manifest work better? It's worth a try! That being said, I'm also doing some hypnosis downloads from, you guessed it as I've found them effective in the past.


Unknown said...

Hi! I'm Donnie. I may or may not have the problem to your solution. I have ADHD and some believe it has to do with neurological receptors that dysfunction. These receptors control, you guessed it, serotonin. I'm not sure if everyone else has the ability to channel their serotonin like me, but I can do it at will, and its amazing for whenever you need that extra boost, pick me up, or simply getting out of bed. I'm not trying to sell you a product or anything haha, just trying to help. Hit me up if you're interested, maybe I can teach you how? (

Alison said...

Thanks Donnie! That's so crazy you mentioned neurological problems...I have just recently discovered what I think is the issue-and yep, its related to that! I will definitely email you-I'm curious! And don't worry, I don't mind being "sold" if it's a quality product/idea :) Don't undersell yourself! Spam isn't cool, but if it's related to what I'm blogging about I'm all for it lol

Unknown said...

Alright thanks for the reply :D I replied to the email. Haha I just realized I put I have the PROBLEM to your SOLUTION. Haha my bad. Have a great day!